Who killed JFK ?

What's wrong? part 2

FBI received Telex (it was a telecommunication service)

Before JFK’s coming to Dallas, the FBI received Telex saying that JFK will be killed in Dallas. After receiving this news, it would be expected that security would have been reinforced. But it was not, and there was a lack of security.

Single-bullet theory

This is the best-known theory, and the one that raises the most questions about the official version. According to the Warren Commission, it was only one bullet which caused all non-fatal injuries to JFK and John Connally. In accordance with the theory, one bullet caused 7 impacts.

The first flaw in this theory is that the bullet presented by the Warren Commission is intact. It is impossible for a bullet that has crossed two human bodies, destroyed a rib or fractured a radius to come out intact. 


Furthermore, the trajectory of the bullet is strange. How can a bullet travel up a body? How can it change direction and go into Connally’s body after passing through JFK’s?


Also, the bullet found on Connally’s stretcher would not be the bullet preserved today. On the FBI’s archives, it is written that the bullet preserved today isn’t the same of the one found. But that’s not what the FBI was saying to the Warren Commission.

Connally, who was supposed to be injured by this bullet, don’t agree with this theory. In his opinion, he was touched by a separated shooting. “There is my absolute knowledge that one bullet caused the President’s first wound and that an entirely separate shot struck me”, he confides to the Magazine Life in 1966. 

Oswald’s police interview

Oswald’s police interview is also suspected to be fake. He was questioned 12 hours after the assassination, without a lawyer and without taking notes.

Destruction of evidence

The autopsy of JFK was supervised by military personnel, which calls into question the neutrality of this operation. Furthermore, a lot of evidences were destroyed. For example, after the assassination, the car was sent to cleaning before she was inspected. It was the same for Connally’s suit. JFK’s brain also disappeared.

Falsified testimony

Some people testified that they heard more than 3 gunshots or that they saw gunshots coming from a location other than the book deposit. But all those testimonies disappeared in the official version.

Jade Leulieur, Laure Marty-Anahory, Marine Lecocq